1. You realize that upwards of 50% of your total market is not in your current area and you want new, significant incremental year-over-year growth. 

  2. You know that having a revenue stream outside of your current market diversifies your business and protects your company from local downturns.   

  3. You suspect that your competition from both your current and new markets is taking market share in places you are not playing; taking opportunities off the table that you should be winning.

  4. You understand your differentiated product value well and can deliver strong messaging to sales, marketing, and training assets. 

  5. You recognize that “two steps forward one step back” is great for dancing ... but terrible for sales. Avoiding preventable, costly mistakes has prepared you to learn from those that have successfully gone before you.

AVOID PITFALLS: What to know before you begin

With Goalpost Global Group, everything is a journey. We set out a clear roadmap with a proven strategy to give your company the right direction. Our experience & expertise aligned with your personal business objectives will help you navigate the universe of new market relations -- relieving stress, preventing burnout, and providing the process and understanding needed to set your business up for success. 

Parts of your personal roadmap:

global roadmap.jpg
  1. Critical Resource Planning

  2. Best Marketing Identification

  3. Maximize ROI

  4. Distributions Agreements Templates

  5. Sourcing and Signing Top Distributors

  6. Enter Top Markets and Sustain Sales

  7. Navigation 

Fill out  to download "The 4 Things I Wish I Knew"  guide

Sales and marketing guidance to get you from where you are to where you want to be with Goalpost Group


Most company owners spend all of their time keeping their company on course. If they were not spending so much time putting out fires they might love to implement a comprehensive sales and marketing strategy to plan for the future. But even if they had the time, they would still need the expertise and the right plan to be successful. 

Here are 4 resources that will help you understand how Goalpost works with businesses to help them step out of the whirlwind and focus on laying the foundations for growth and sustainability: